What Colleges Say

We frequently audition students from the College Audition Project and have been very impressed with what we have seen. It is clear that the students receive great training in all three areas and they know how to audition. In addition to talent, we have also been impressed by the personalities of the students from CAP. It is exciting to see multiple top level students coming from the same academy. Now that the musical theater audition process is so competitive, training such as what CAP provides, definitely gives you a leg up on the competition.

Students trained at the College Audition Project are some of the most well-prepared and talented students we see at The University of Alabama. Their sense of professionalism is unparalleled and I look forward to working with these students every year.

It's always a pleasure to see students who trained with College Audition Project audition at Wright State University because they're well-prepared, professional and show themselves as individuals. CAP coaches understand how to highlight a students' strengths and what makes them special without erasing their individuality.

The students from College Audition Project continue to impress us. They are so well prepared, with unique material that clearly reveals solid training. Most importantly, these students stand out from the crowd because they showcase their individuality with confidence, and they are simply delightful in every interaction. Keep up the fantastic work, CAP!