Date:November 9-10, 2025

Location: St.Louis, MO

What is CAP Prep?

CAP Prep is a training and mock-audition event for High School students or students taking a GAP year. We hold our CAP Prep event during our CAP United Auditions weekend to give students the mock-experiance of what the CAP United Audition’s will be like their college audition year. Students will take numerous workshops and masterclasses wit college faculty from around the nation Saturday and Sunday and the even will culminate in a mock-audition for college faculty and industry professionals with individual feedback.  CAP Prep is the perfect place to come and meet other artist and test your training and material to make sure that you are ready for your college audition journey. Each year offers a different experience with new college faculty, so this is an event you can attend all throughout your high school career!


What students can attend?

Students that are High School Freshmen through Seniors are eligible to attend. If you are a HS Senior that is planning on taking a GAP year please feel free to attend. If you are a current HS Senior and going through the college audition process our Regular CAP program is better suited for you!

We ask that all students under the age of 18 have a guardian with them during the CAP Prep weekend. Though the workshops (for the most part) are for the students only, the students are not supervised outside of the workshop time.

You can choose to commute if you live local or you can stay at the event hotel. You are responsible for booking your own room. There will be a link provided for a CAP group rate at the event hotel. You can also choose to stay at another hotel if you want. Transportation to and from the event hotel is not provided.

CAP Prep registration includes all workshops and mock auditions. CAP Prep does not include meals, housing/rooms, transportation or supervision outside of the planned schedule.

This event takes place during our CAP United Auditions and the CAP Staff can not be responsible for students except while they are in CAP Prep planned events.